Athletics » Athletics


Welcome to Ballico Athletics! If you're new to
our sports program, please read our 
Sports Participation Letter by clicking here.



If you or your child is interested in
any athletic sport, please contact
Mr. Saldate at [email protected]
with any questions!

Girls' Volleyball
September - October
A Team Head Coach:  Coach Kale B Team Head Coach: Coach Molly

Flag Football
September - October
Head Coach: Coach Coffee
Girls Basketball
November - December
A Team Head Coach: Coach Kaji
B Team Head Coach: Coach Grewal

A & B Team Assistant Coach: 
Boys Soccer
November - December
Head Coach: Coach Saldate
Boys Basketball
February - March
A Team Head Coach: Coach Kaji
B Team Head Coach:

Girls Soccer
February - March
Head Coach: Coach Saldate
Girl's Softball
April - May
Head Coach: Coach Molly        

Boy's Baseball
April - May
Head Coach: Coach Coffee
Track & Field
March - May
Coach: Coach Saldate
Coach: Coach Maya
Assistant Coach:
Assistant Coach:

Boy's Volleyball
April- May
Head Coach: Coach Kale