Schools » Cressey School Information

Cressey School Information

Cressey Elementary School Parking Lot, Pick-Up and Drop-Off Information
  • Students who ride the Bus to Ballico will wait for the bus inside the parking lot. We ask that they be on the sidewalk behind the railings, along the fence, and after the yellow curbing indicating the drop-off zone. An adult will be present for supervision starting at 7:30 AM

  • Drop-off for Cressey students is between 7:30 and 8:25 AM. We ask that all parents use the drop-off line coming into the parking lot off 3rd Street. A yellow curb denotes where students can safely leave the vehicle. Parents, if you need to step out of the vehicle to help your kids exit, that is ok. We ask that students exit the vehicle from the side closest to the sidewalk. Once your students have exited the vehicle and it is safe for you to do so, you may pull into the drive-through lane and exit the parking lot. *We kindly ask that you not park in the parking lot to let your children out of the vehicle. Teachers and staff are coming in simultaneously, parking to start their day, and there is limited space. Having students walking across lanes of moving traffic is also a safety concern. Students arriving after 8:30 should be dropped off and escorted into the Cressey Office by an adult. They will need to be signed in before heading to class.

  • Parents and visitors coming to Cressey School should park in front of the office and/or along the fence line. Please stop in the office and check in with the school secretary before heading to any classrooms or other locations on campus. This includes picking up students early due to illness or appointments before the end of the day.

  • Pick-up for Cressey students is at 2:45 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday's dismissal time is at 2:00 PM. Since the amount of traffic coming into the parking lot at the end of the day will be more significant than in the morning, we ask that parents/caregivers come into the parking lot from 2nd Street/Crocker Ave onto 3rd Street and then into the parking lot. (Please see the map diagram attached). We need to ensure that cars waiting to enter the parking lot do not interfere with traffic on Santa Fe or Cressey Way. We also ask that you are considerate of our neighbors and do not block driveways. 

  • Finally, we ask for your patience and understanding. If you have students at Cressey and Ballico, we recommend having Cressey students ride the bus to Ballico and pick up all the children at Ballico. We ask everyone to follow the new protocols (they are the same at Ballico) for the safety of your children. 

ENTRY - Chose your lane